Food for Thought

Food for Thought (F4T) is a brief survey on people and their food, and a USC Iovine & Young Academy-affiliated directed research project.

Wed Feb 09 2022

Landon Brand and Ben Stanfield (me) brainstorming ideas about the future of food.

A few months ago, my friends Landon and Mimi and I were thinking deeply about consumer behavior around food. We got so excited about what the future of delivery and plant-based foods looked like that we tinkered with the idea of starting a food company ourselves. Out of those discussions I decided to create a set of questions designed to learn more about what food means to other people our age and up.
This is my final assignment at the Iovine & Young Academy before I graduate. The output of this project will be a web data visualization and case study on new trends in the food space.
Your participation means a lot to me! Everyone who participates has the chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card 💳 delivered over email after the conclusion of the Food for Thought study.
Begin Survey

All responses are anonymous and stored securely on Typeform.